Kate Anderson • Director, LA County Center for Strategic Partnerships

“Los Angeles County is grateful for the collaboration between philanthropy and faith-based organizations to leverage their assets and expertise to advance innovative solutions to our housing shortage. These collaborations demonstrate a spirit of civic leadership and commitment to making Los Angeles County a better and more equitable place for all of our residents.”


Where does Queen of Angels Housing operate?

Our initial focus is the Los Angeles metropolitan area, but we hope to expand our efforts to the greater region.

How does Queen of Angles Housing acquire land for its developments?

Our first site, Willow Brook, was dedicated to this project by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 2021, in collaboration with Catholic Charities of Los Angeles. For future developments, we will explore purchasing or leasing land from a variety of sources. We hope to continue to work with the Archdiocese and other land-owning Catholic institutions, such as religious orders, to partner on housing development. 

Where does funding come from?

We received seed funding from The Specialty Family Foundation and the John H. and Cynthia Lee Smet Foundation, and the Archdioceses of Los Angeles generously donated the land for our first project site. As a non-profit, we welcome contributions from individuals and foundations and are actively exploring financing opportunities for our projects.

How is eligibility determined for the housing developments?

We build residential communities affordable to a range of populations and incomes, including both lower and moderate-income families and individuals. Eligibility at specific project sites will vary. It will often be determined based on income levels in relation to the area median income, in addition to other factors such as family size or, in some cases, age. We also plan to provide housing for individuals and groups with special needs. For example, at our Willow Brook development, we will prioritize a share of the units for youth transitioning out of foster care.

Will all of the housing serve low and moderate-income individuals?

While all of our sites will be primarily focused on affordable housing, it’s possible that some will be a mix of affordable units and units offered at market price.

What kind of resources or amenities are offered within the housing developments?

Our housing developments offer a range of amenities and resources tailored to meet residents' needs. These may include community spaces, recreational areas, educational facilities, wellness services, open spaces, and access to public transportation. We prioritize creating a supportive and thriving community environment within our housing developments.

Are there opportunities for additional programming to foster community at the housing sites?

Our residential communities will be designed to best serve our tenants, which may mean multi-purpose rooms, study rooms, and wellness centers. It might also include uses and amenities that meet the vision and needs of our donors and investors. For example, Parish properties might also incorporate school facilities or parish community centers as part of a mixed-use, joint development layout.

Are there opportunities to partner with Queen of Angels Housing?

Yes, we offer partnerships for investors and developers interested in contributing to affordable housing projects. Collaborating with us can involve financial investments, joint development ventures, or participation in specific aspects of our housing projects. Contact us to explore partnership opportunities and discuss potential collaborations.

How does Queen of Angels Housing collaborate with local stakeholders in housing development?

We collaborate with local stakeholders by fostering partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, community leaders, residents, businesses, and investors. These collaborations involve dialogue and listening to improve our housing developments’ ability to meet the community's needs and benefit everyone.

What criteria does Queen of Angels Housing use to explore opportunities for housing developments? 

We choose sites and plan out our development projects based on community needs, available resources, physical feasibility, financial viability, sustainability, and compliance with local regulations. Our goal is to address housing demand and serve both the local and broader community effectively.

How is the Catholic Church involved in your affordable housing initiatives?

The Catholic Church plays a significant role in supporting and advocating for affordable housing initiatives. Through various organizations and initiatives, the Church actively collaborates with local communities, charitable institutions, and non-profit organizations to address the pressing need for affordable housing. Our Lady Queen of Angels Housing Alliance, in partnership with the Catholic Church, aims to provide innovative housing solutions, engage in community-based development, and leverage resources to ensure stable, sustainable, and affordable housing for individuals and families in need.